November 28, 2011


Just playing with myself

Smoke Colors

my students and I made a reflexographys and I found that my painting shape was like the lungs , so I made some pictures alluding to the Smokeout

Ink and collage drawings

Retro Punk
Ink, Collage, Watercolor

Collage, Watercolor, Ink



Children's Day is celebrated in Mexico on April 30, I did some drawings thinking about being a girl again

Video Games

Addicted to video games? I don think so. Last image is the original decoration of a interactive room by Antoinette J. Citizen where you can enter without controls or currencies. The wooden boxes are questions, and you can hear the real sounds of the level 1-1

I made my own photo session :)

Wall art Tree

My husband and I made a tree, here´s our wall art

Wall art, Beto







i made a wall art on my living room, is about Beethoven, músic and design ;)

Karma Killer/ You do it

Karma Killer/ The Queen of Death
Ink, Collage and Watercolor

Karma Killer/ You do it
Ink, Collage and Watercolor

Old Passport

I made some drawings in my old passport, I really like the design of the passport, and the few seals of the places I have visited.

Language of sound

Language of Sound
I made this serie with my tongue inspired in Enigma song "Language of Sound"