December 04, 2011

Número Dos

Número Dos

I started a small photography project concerning violence in Ciudad Juarez, the project has been developed by numbers and carries the slogan "Make Art not War".
I was taking pictures of what I saw around town, some were edited according to different messages that I wanted to project. The end result ends with a video I did with Javier.

Número Tres

Número Cuatro

Número Cinco

Número Seis

Número Siete

Número Ocho

Número Nueve

Número Uno

Número uno expresses the frustrations of daily life in the city considered to be the worlds most violent. The video title refers to the spot occupied by Ciudad Juarez in terms of the level of danger as the result of its high homicide rate and violent acts caused by drug trafficking. 
The city was also the place where just a few days before filming started, Mexico's first car bomb attack occurred. But the film title is also inspired by a song by Juan Gabriel that describes Ciudad Juarez, IRONICALLY, as the worlds best frontier. 

The video is the testimony of photographers and artists who constantly fight against daily life in this urban landscape.

Selected in the V Inter-American Biennal of Video Art 
2010 Washington DC

Selected in the Toronto Urban Film Festival TUFF 2011

"Parece que nadie escucha,
aunque nos reunamos a gritar no nos oyen
somos voces mudas,
no sirve de nada vestirnos de colores
por eso a veces debemos expresarnos de otras formas
confusas, creativas, dolorosas, oportunistas 
con o sin esperanza de ser vistos, escuchados y atendidos.

La violencia me ha quitado mi libertad para salir a la calle
incluso para expresarme, cada dí­a me frustra las ganas de salir
a trabajar y a convivir; ahora la diversión y la recreación cuestan caro
bajo un precio que no me atrevo a pagar, pero que la violencia
cobra cuando menos lo esperas.

Aun no me satisface crear por medio de la maldad, 
por que es crear gracias a una causa que destruye, 
oprime y deprime:el fenómeno cultural
de la guerra y la violencia del narco"


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