December 02, 2011

Curtis Salonick

Well, sometimes I get to interview people for me are remarkable, now it was the turn of the photographer Curtis Salonick. 

I tell a little story ... 

12 years ago leafing through a magazine I saw a picture that I loved, with the name of "forest nymph" and from that day I was in love with the image.Then I started looking for information about the author, but there was nothing on the internet, it only had the name. His works that say I love working at the "old school" with darkroom chemicals and papers better to edit on the negative most of his images are totally pure photography and crafts. 

Years later, still digging on the internet about this photographer, I only saw the odd image, until finally one day I came across your web page , but not with the "forest nymph" that the date is not online. 
Then I happened to look on facebook and I added to my surprise, I told him about my search for that image, that not even remember. 
We currently have a friendship, which to me is great, because suddenly we had the privilege of sharing work and tips. 

I offered him the interview for you to see many of the reasons I admire this photographer is undoubtedly one of my favorites. 

I present to Curtis, photographer born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 

Curtis Salonick 

"Curtis Salonick, a self taught freelance photographer, has always been fascinated by art, is creativity and discipline. To Curt, artistic direction began when he received his first of 35 mm. Camera at age 16.
His first success came with the development of a process in lithographic film would use to identify specific areas of Ciba chrome print. This final printing a lithograph he called Chrome, and participating in both film and Ciba-lithography and material chrome printing.
The style that resulted in him likes to refer to the gothic surrealism. Another important aspect of the process is the use of terms such as "screens". These are patterns found in nature or man-made, which repeat a particular pattern. These combine to some extent, in the final image. 
Art is created by man, not the circumstances at random, but is handling his job, making something new. This does not mean that other forms of photography are so inspiring and beautiful. It is the opinion Curt: "God created man and man creating art gives" / CS 

Lady Bird

V * - At what age did you realize you had to make your job more seriously as aphotographer and what made ​​you think that?

CS-When I took photography seriously, my birthday was about 16, in 1968, when I received my first 35mm camera as a birthday present. I started to photograph ordinary things around me, as the nature and friends, I learned on the fly, without thinking about it as acareer. When by chance where I live suffered a devastating flood, and offered my services to a local newspaper did not think it would be to hire me, but I said yes,   to take pictures than I ever thought it would be the beginning of my career.

V *- I know that the images have themes of religion, sex, surrealism, gothic, etc. .. what are your favorite subjects?

CS-M ost of the topics that appear in my work according to religion (the need) Sexuality(physical examination imperative) Greed (human nature) and morality (a state of denial). I chose these topics, because that's where the emotional connection for us all. Therefore I can not have a favorite, but I like that are in favor of sexuality because it is the stage where human emotions are more important and powerful in the game. They create the perfectstorm in our physical well that clashes with the imperative of our emotional needs,sometimes refers to love itself.

V *- How to decide which photos to create color and black and white what?

CS-I really do not decide whether it is color or not, since all my work begins as Black on White, on the sheet film 4x5. Many of these images are combined in a traditional darkroom and this compound is passed digital and photo shop is colored in choosing the images that I think would look better in color. 


V *- When choosing models, you rely on some in particular, with certain characteristics? Or simply working with people who are available?

CS-I can find my models through my friends or people I know. Do not always look for a particular body type, but work with what appears to me, every body is different and offers its own history. I therefore men and women, but usually women. The reason for presenting nudity is uniform and smooth appearance to the skin offers, so I can add textures, in my final workhas been that one reason why I have all my models bald.

V *- Besides photography, what other artistic skills develop or practice?

CS-I am a manufacturer of scribbles, which in some way to paint the effect with black and white film. T lso I am a collector of discarded and forgotten that I use in my work.

V *- When you are in your work environment, either taking pictures, revealing, or editing,you have some kind of stimulus or relaxing?, (Such as music, lighting, the smell inparticular)

CS-I enjoy a wide range of music, but not when I'm working, I think it distracts my attention.

What is V *- photographically favorite accessory, other than your camera?

CS-My pictures, my second favorite accessory is the tripod. 

V *- do you still photographs and you want to do?

CS-A picture I have in my mind, I would try something that involves a number of pregnant women. 

The Entrapment Of Eve

V *- What kind of camera you use? And tell me your favorite camera

CS-The camera I use for all the work of art is a Cambo 4X5 - Dinner with a super wide 65mmlens. I use the 4X5 film iso T - MAX 400 black and white, with black and white film I can choose what colors to apply.

V *- A casual question ... what is your c omid and favorite drink?

CS-My favorite food .. there are many on the list, I'm a good eater. De favorite drinkchocolate milk shake would be made ​​with chocolate syrup and vanilla ice cream, not thick.

V *- Who do you admire? (Any form)
CS-I admire the work of Bosch, not necessarily your life, but his work.

V *- Who or what inspires you in your personal life and career?
CS-What inspires me is life, being trying to understand who we are, our relationships that we share, and the part that separates us from our physical and emotional reality.

V *- remember what was the first image you photographed? You describe it?
CS-My first works were of frogs, snakes and such things, since they were captured and keptas pets. As for the work I do now, my first memorable image would be my first nude, around 1989, a little uncomfortable at first.

V *- How would you describe your style?
CS-I would define it as Gothic style - surreal, a term he coined to describe my work.

V * long have you been classified as a professional photographer?
CS-I am a professional photographer since 1972.

V * How do you keep motivated and freshness of your photographs?

CS-Maintaining motivation to date has never been a problem for me, I think it is a conceptthat takes you from one to another. 

* What is the best part of being a photographer?
CS-The best part of being a photographer is to discover the next great image.

V *- What is the most used tool in Photoshop, a plug-in, or a form of editing?

CS-My most used tool in photo shop is the image color density   black and white, and I add a color negative.

The Illusionist

V *- The hardest part of your job is ...?

CS The hardest part of my job is trying to pay the bills. 

V *- What advice would you give to photographers just starting out?

CS My advice to those seeking his way, is exposed to a variety of jobs until they find one that is emotionally. Then do their own work to improve it.

V *- photographer had not been ...

CS-photographer had not been probably would not have been unimpressive.

V *- Something that is still learning?

CS-I'm still learning about my emotional limits.

V *- If you could invite someone famous to lunch who would it be?

The meal with someone famous would not be interesting, for me it would prefer to go with a friend like you.

V *- Three words that describe you ...

The CS-t res words I could describe to be mentioned by someone who knows me.

V * - What do you enjoy most?

CS-L to making my next picture.

Blue Horse


V *- S i had one wish ...

CS-I do not believe in wishes.

V *- Anything you want me?

CS-I liked the interview and I hope to get a passing grade. I wish I were bilingual like you.

Bondage of the Flesh

The Depiction

* All images on this site are the property of C. Salonick May Not Be Reproduced and or Used In Any Way Without permission. 
© 2009 Curtis Salonick. All rights reserved.

To learn more about their work sight of the link

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